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To educate and empower under-served youth and adults through specialized financial education and training. Our vision is  to ensure that urban and under-served communities have the essential tools to secure and manage their financial future.



Youth Finance Camp

Preparing youth for success in a changing world! The finance camp was designed to educate youth ages 10 to 17 yrs. of age, about the financial market and the basics of trading and investing. Our curriculum provides fun, creative and engaging strategies that are simple enough for youth to understand. 


Our workshops provide a hands on experience in a group session. The session provides the basics of investing and trading, basic terminology and strategies, and  financial literacy principals. These workshops provide individuals with the skills they'll need to succeed in an increasingly global world.


One in five teenage students in the U.S. lacks basic financial literacy skills, according to the.

Program for International Student Assessment

Boy Reading Tablet

There are risks and costs to a program of action. But they are far less than the long- range risks and costs of comfortable inaction. — John F. Kennedy

International Intelligent Foundation, Inc. is a Non-Profit 501 (C) (3)

 IRS tax-exempt charitable organization.


EIN# 46-3478517

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